Saturday, April 7, 2012

Final Observing Democracy Entry - 4/7/2012

           Throughout the course of the semester, I have witnessed a Chicago Public School (CPS) board meeting, a Tamms Year Ten (TY10) organization meeting, campaigning for Lisa Hernandez for State Representative, and the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability (COGFA) hearing regarding Governor Quinn’s proposal to close Tamms Supermax prison. These have given me a taste of collectives’ structures at multiple levels, ranging from grassroots, district, city, and state organizations.  What I take away from this experience is in no way what I expected.
            The CPS board meeting was heated. Seventeen school turn-arounds, fade-outs, or closings were proposed to take place. As you can imagine, the affected communities were not going down without a fight. Parents, teachers, concerned community members, and students all presented their cases to unresponsive board. It appeared as if the board was simply going through the forced motions of “democracy” in order to appease the city. The unsympathetic, cold faces of the board watched as one by one the registered speakers’ two-minute time allotments ran out. Diane Ravitch points out in The Life and Death of the Great American School System how policy makers have to “think like the state” and not on a personal level in order to survive making hard, complicated decisions. This mind set was evident in every board member’s face as they blocked out the tears and cries from the affected community. I will be the first to admit that I don’t have the solution to the problems that plague these neighborhoods, but there seemed to be a impenetrable wall built up between the board members and the people. After the meeting, all 17 school proposals were passed, leaving these already struggling communities with a steeper incline to climb on their path of reconstruction.
            The meeting between TY10 and Adler students was filled with excitement. At the time I attended, Governor Quinn had just proposed the closing of Tamms Supermax prison in his budget plan. Although TY10’s platform for closing the facility had been mainly based on the human rights violations that were taking place behind its doors, closing it for any reason would be seen as a success. Now in its fourth year, TY10 has been fighting a seemly loosing battle. Although the organization never lost conviction in their position, the slow progress and extensive energy required was daunting. Once the shocking word came of Quinn’s proposal, and the possibility of closure became a reality, immediate action was required. TY10 had to keep the pressure on legislators by showing and growing support for their votes to close the prison. TY10 was committed to putting in long hours to lobby publicity and support for this cause. This meeting I attended was filled with planning of action, defining the steps required, and brainstorming ways of most effectively getting participants to join the fight for human rights.
            Door knocking for State Representative Lisa Hernandez was a blast. Starting in the morning, we (Hsieh, Darrel, and I) met at Lisa’s office in Cicero. After meeting and talking to Lisa herself, we were given a packet and sent on our way. In this packet was a map of the area we were to campaign and a list of addresses of democrats with their names and ages. Because of the large Spanish speaking community in Cicero, our pamphlets were written in both English and Spanish in order to include non-English speaking voters. I was surprised at the number of warm welcomes we received from people and the interesting conversations we had. Not only were we publicizing the approaching election, but we were also petitioning for signatures for Hernandez’s proposal stating if the value of your property decreases, the state would not be able to raise your property tax. People were very interested in telling us their stories about the struggles they were facing with this issue and how it has greatly impacted their lives. As a result, they were eager to sign the petition and welcomed a sign in their yard supporting Hernandez’s campaign.
            My final observation was of the COGFA hearing in Ullin, IL. Ullin is about six and a half hours away from Chicago and the meeting itself ran about three hours. A group of forty TY10 members went down together to show support for the closure against the strong turn out of AFSCME members opposed to the closings. The hearing itself was an interesting display of human ignorance to the complexities that surround crime, and of the inability to see the men at Tamms as human beings. The structure of the hearing was very similar to the CPS board meeting. This time I felt the board was slightly more interested in the speakers ( I did feel more interest was paid to the “professionals” who spoke over the community and family members. I see this being a result from whose opinion the board prioritizes and views as more legitimate). Ultimately, the process of the TY10 members coming together to organize and make this commute together is the closest display of true democracy I have seen all semester.     
            If we look at the etymology of the word “democracy” we find it stems from the late Latin word dēmokratia. The prefix being dēmos, meaning ‘the people’, and kratia meaning ‘power or rule.’ This definition, power of the people, was lost in regards to the CPS board meeting. This might also have something to do with the fact that the people do not elect the CPS board, which is top-down appointed. In the other three cases I observed and partook in, I was pleasantly surprised at the structure of interaction and the process of action. After the CPS board meeting, my hope in democracy dwindled, only to be reborn through my participation in TY10. Our country’s romanticized democracy claims may be a stretch when you dissect how it actually functions, but I am optimistic in our continued struggle towards this ideal. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Wonderful Critique of the Un-Democratic Process by Gayle

Ladies & Gentlemen:

I found yesterday's hearing on the proposed closure of Tamms Correctional Center to be a completely unprofessional and unruly experience.  It was stunning and most disappointing that Illinois' Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability permitted the continued disrespectful, rude and unprofessional behavior from the opponents of Tamms’ closure, i.e., Tamms correctional officers, their family members and their supporters.  

Despite the early reprimands and empty threats to remove these people from the hearing if they did not conduct themselves in a proper and civil manner, Sen. Schoenberg and Rep. Bellock sat in silence while union members and their supporters continued to shout, cheer, clap, give standing ovations, jeer and deliberately intimidate the supporters of Tamms' closure.  After the initial gavel banging, which was completely ignored, Commission members saw fit to allow the unruly and raucous behavior to overtake the hearing.  And in the ultimate display of complete disregard and disrespect to everyone who took the entire day off to attend the hearing, painstakingly prepared testimony, and traveled hundreds of miles to testify to them, the Commission had the audacity to walk out of the meeting still in progress at 3PM, handing the hearing over to two state representatives with an obvious bias towards the union members.  

Under these circumstances, the Commission’s attendance was nothing more than lip service to a process that is supposed to provide a fair and unbiased opportunity for interested and affected parties to present their concerns to state government officials.  Their behavior made a complete farce of this process and provided obvious evidence of how lightly they view the responsibilities of their appointment to this Commission.  

Gayle Ayala
Chester, IL 

Tamms Hearing in Ullin- April 2, 2012

I just returned home from a very long, but worthwhile day. What started out as a quest to observe democracy in its’ natural habitat, turned into a day I will never forget. Joined by another 40 individuals at 4:30 a.m. this morning, we boarded a bus and headed across the state.
            The Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability (COGFA) hearing was held today to discuss Govern Quinn’s proposal to close Tamms Supermax Prison. This hearing is the first step in closing a facility in a larger social institution, like the prison system. The purpose of these hearings is to provide an opportunity for both sides to present their case and defend it with numerous advocates. These advocates range from international human right’s representatives, union representatives, correctional professionals from in and out of state, etc. These hearings are supposedly held in the area most affected by the proposed closing, and although Tamms Year Ten made a case that the large percent of inmates from Tamms were from Cook County and that they hearings should be held here, they were held in lovely Sothern Illinois.
            Our busload of people was a conglomeration of mothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, godmothers and supportive concerned citizens. I guess I would have fallen into the last category. Working with Tamms Year Ten last semester compelled me to continue helping this cause as much as possible, even if it just meant being a supportive body. Sometimes that is all democracy needs, active bodies.
            In regards to this assignment, the ultimate goal was to observe the process of democracy: I believe this started way before we got to the hearings, and even before we met that morning. The process of participating in an event like this involves careful planning and strategy. There were signs and buttons to be made, funds to be raised, food to be bought, speeches to be written, convincing people to attend, lobbying advocates to speak, etc. Although Laurie Jo is a huge player in the organization Tamms Year Ten, she could not have done it alone. Everyone had a part to play and each was an important cog in the machine.
            The hearing itself was similarly set up like the Chicago Public School board meeting we attended earlier. There was a board (COGFA) and big wigs (elected officials and the Illinois Department of Corrections representatives), the organizational and union advocates (ACLU National Prison Project, Uptown Peoples Law, AFSCME, Labor Council, etc) and the people (former prisoners, family members, correctional officers, employees, etc.). All were allotted two minutes to speak and were required to register ahead of time and submit statements in order to speak.
            The IDOC’s agenda is cutting the budget, Tamms Year Ten’s is human rights violations, AFSCME’s is jobs, and the local community’s concern is their personal economy. All of these players repeatedly voiced their opinions through out the hearings. The audience was asked to hold all applause and comments, but this was inevitable. The AFSCME came out in full force with tensions high. They filled nearly all but two rows of the auditorium. Those two rows were is where Tamm’s Year Ten sat, clearly out numbered. AFSCME’s numbers were impressive but their lack of respects and control was appalling. The made cat calls while family members and former prisoners were speaking, they laughed at testimonies, and they hooped and hollers after every one of their speakers were finished, sometimes even occasionally during the speeches.
            I was impressed how Tamm’s Year Ten participants conducted themselves in response to this opposition. We reminded ourselves that we were not at the hearing to change AFSCME’s opinion but to show support to the Legislators proposing the closure and to testify to COGFA about the Human Rights violations that occur at Tamm’s Correctional Center. With this in mind, we were able to keep our eyes on the prize and not be distracted by the chaos that surrounded us.
            After the meeting we jumped back on the bus and started the journey home. But I don’t believe the process of democracy ended at the hearing. On the way home we reflected on the hearing and mentioned things of interest. The family members of the men at Tamm’s shed many tears, the catcalls obviously affected them more than they had lead to believe at the hearing. The shear strength it took for them to stand in front of the board and a room of opposition and give testimony to the indecencies their loved once face is astounding. On the ride home we analyzed how our intent was not to rid this community of jobs or funding that the prison brings but our hope is that this community might be able to build a sustainable economy around something more decent, that their lively hood would not rely on the killing of the human soul, which is exactly what Tamm’s Correctional Center was designed to do, literally. 
            The next stop on this lengthy process of a prison closure is after COFGA provide the Appropriations Committee with their recommendations. This will be in about a month or so. After that, the Appropriations committee will draw up a bill to be passed through the House and Senate. Until then Tamm’s Year Tens’ work is not done. There is a peaceful march from the Illinois Department of Corrections Wednesday April 4th in remembrance of the march AFSCME members performed with Martin Luther King Jr. in Memphis in 1968. It is performance to remind AFSCME members of their roots, fighting for human rights for those who have been silenced. 

1968 Memphis Union Workers